Saturday, July 30, 2011

Cookies and an Interview!

Hi All, I'm busy this weekend packing for a trip to Disney World! (Woo hoo!) It's for a conference but I'm sure we'll have some time to have fun as well. Don't worry though I'll still have some delicious recipes to share with you while I'm gone. Today though I wan't to show you some cookies I made for Allison from Allison's Delicious Life. Last week was Allison's 21st birthday so I decided to send her some goodies. Since I've started blogging I've "met" all types of wonderful people, but Allison has truly been a sweetheart. I think if we lived near each other we'd be hanging out all the time, talking about food, and cooking up a mad storm. It's probably better for our waistlines that we do live across the country for each other. Everyone make sure to check out her blog and wish her a Happy Belated Birthday. I promise you will get hooked on her blog!

In other news, I recently had an interview with The Hectic Gourmet. The Hectic Gourmet is a retailer for gourmet cooking supplies. But, they also have a blog! The blog is awesome. It has interviews with bloggers, recipes, food news, and much more. I was asked to answer questions so there readers could get to know me better. So please check out my interview and give The Hectic Gourmet some love! Here's the link for the interview.  Happy Saturday Everyone!


  1. These cookies are so beautiful!

  2. Allison's Delicious LifeJuly 31, 2011 at 12:39 AM

    Thanks for the sweet words, Megan!

    You're right- we would probably bake way too many treats and gain way too many pounds hahah.

    Thank you so much again for sending me such beautiful, delicious cookies. You are the sweetest :)

  3. Great interview! And have a good time in Disney World!
