Thursday, October 13, 2011

Single Lady Breakfast: Banana Chocolate Chip Oat Pancake

 Let's flash back to Tuesday night. On Tuesday night, I somehow thought that I was going to wake up on Wednesday at 5am so I could go to sunrise yoga at 6am. Well Wednesday morning 5am came. I woke up and groggily looked out my window. It's pitch black outside... How can I go to yoga when it's pitch black outside? Well I decided I can't. How did I even think it would be a good idea to wake up at 5am? Set my alarm for an hour or so later. 6:30 am. Wake up again.. why is it still dark out? Sunrise yoga is halfway over and there's still no sun. Hit the snooze button a few times thinking I might go work out when I wake up. 7:00am. Wake up. First thought is a giant pancake. That definitely seems more doable than working out. Twenty minutes later, I was chowing down on a massive banana chocolate chip oat pancake with bananas and syrup on top, watching Full House (what else is on at 7am? nothing), and drinking a diet coke. Pure heaven. I jumped on GChat right away and sent my sister a message saying something along the lines of holy crap. She immediately responded with a concerned "what's wrong?!?" UMMM... I only just made the best pancake in the entire world!! It was LEGEN- wait for it- DARY. This pancake made my day. I mean let's face it, Wednesday's are rough. It's half way through the week, yet the weekend seems so far away. I have 3 exams in the next week, yet here I am making a giant pancake. Let's just say I don't regret that decision in the least.

There weren't many changes that I made to the recipe but I did make a few that I will note here:
1. I left the banana in slices rather than puree it. I don't have a blender or food processor so I omitted that step. Besides I like banana pieces better.
2. I cut down the amount of oats to 1 tbsp. Since I didn't puree the mixture the oats wouldn't be processed into a powder. I added more flour to make up for that.
3. I added cinnamon. Literally all of my recipes lately have had cinnamon in them. So I figured why stop now?
4. I added chocolate chips... enough said.
5. I made only one pancake instead of 3-4. Because I can.

1/3 cup flour
1 tbsp old-fashioned oats
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/3 cup milk
1 banana, cut into about 15 slices
handful milk chocolate chips

In a bowl, whisk together flour, oats, baking powder, salt, and cinnamon. Make a well in the dry ingredients, and pour in the milk and vanilla extract. Mix together with a spoon. Add in half of the banana slices and the handful of chocolate chips. Mix until bananas and chocolate chips are incorporated. Heat a skillet over medium heat. Add 1/2 tbsp butter and melt it. Add the entire batter to the pan. Use a spoon to spread the batter to the side of the pans. Cook until the pancake starts to bubble. Then, flip to the other side and cook another few minutes. Put the pancake on a plate and top with the remaining banana slices and maple syrup. Peanut butter would also make a good topping here.

Source: Recipe adapted from The College Culinarian


  1. I love your version! And an episode of Full House certainly makes pancake eating even better.

  2. Haha this is awesome...LEGEN wait for it DARY :-) I freaking love HIMYM. This pancake sounds delicious. I am all over this on Sunday (that's pancake day)

  3. Woo substitute strawberries and I am so in. And I'm proud of your HIMYM reference.

  4. Mmm that looks so thick and fluffy.

    Your anecdotes are the best! I definitely play the game of resetting my alarm ALL the time. Sleep is such a winner.

  5. That looks so good. So glad I just came across your blog and saw this recipe. :) Going to make it soon- hopefully it looks as good as yours. I look forward to more recipes. Keep it up. Have a great day. Rochelle.
