Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving Leftover Turkey Sandwich

I bet you're wondering what to do with all of your leftovers.. well this turkey sandwich is a start! Cosi has an amazing Thanksgiving sandwich with warm stuffing, turkey and cranberry sauce served on its warm and salty flat bread. I went with a few friends after a grueling 5 hour dance rehearsal last weekend and was in absolute heaven. I decided then and there that I was making this sandwich the day after Thanksgiving. My sisters and I each had one and they reminded me of the Friends' episode where someone steals Ross' sandwich. Monica makes Ross a sandwich with stuffing, turkey, cranberry sauce and a gravy soaked piece of bread which he calls the "Moistmaker." Ross brings the sandwich to work and writes a super lame knock knock joke on his lunch bag that tells his coworkers not to take his lunch. Yet someone still eats it and Ross goes into extreme anger mode. If you have no idea what I'm talking about check out this Youtube clip here. It's really funny and I think if I had a sandwich like that I would be reallll angry if someone ate it. That gravy goodness needs to be protected. After my Thanksgiving feast last night we didn't have any leftover gravy so I couldn't make the Moistmaker but I did make something pretty darn delicious with the leftover turkey, stuffing and cranberry sauce. Hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving and are enjoying your weekend!

2 slices hearty bread (I used 9-grain whole wheat bread)
leftover slices of turkey
2-3 tbsp stuffing
1 tbsp cranberry sauce
butter (optional in my opinion)

Slather one piece of bread with butter, if using. Spread the stuffing on top of the better. Then layer the turkey slices on top of the stuffing. Spoon some cranberry sauce on top of the turkey. Top with the remaining piece of bread. Microwave 30 seconds until the sandwich is warm.

Makes 1 sandwich.

Source: Inspired by Cosi and FRIENDS. 

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