Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Sugar Cookie Flag Cake

Happy 4th of July! I hope everyone's having fun celebrating with friends and family! Here in Wisconsin it's miserably hot so we're spending majority of the day inside cherishing the air conditioning. However, later we plan on grilling out at a friends place. Hopefully it will be a little cooler than 104 degrees outside but I'm highly doubting that. I started off the morning making pancakes for friends and eating bacon of course. I even made a Fourth of July pancake with blueberries and strawberries! Then I made this cookie cake. It's super simple and patriotic. I used store-bought dough and frosting because let's face it, it's too hot to be cooking for a long time. So I just made it easy on myself and used store-bought ingredients. But do feel free to make your own dough and frosting. I really can't wait to dig into this cookie cake later tonight! Hope everyone has a happy and safe Fourth of July! In case you're looking for some other patriotic treats to make for the holiday check out these recipes:

16 oz sugar cookie dough (I used store-bought)
1 can cream cheese frosting
1 pint blueberries
10-16 strawberries, hulled and sliced (depending on how big they are)

Preheat the oven to 350F. Prepare the sugar cookie dough as instructed in the recipe/on the box. Grease a 9x13 inch baking pan.Pour the cookie dough in the pan and spread with a knife to smooth the top. Bake for 25-40 minutes, until the edges are golden brown and a knife comes out clean when inserted in the middle of the cookie. Once the cookie is cool, spread the cream cheese frosting over the top. It's okay if you don't use the whole can. Just try to get an even coating. Starting in the top left corner, make a row of 10 or so blueberries (depending on the size of the blueberries). Underneath that row, do the same. Keep doing that until you get about 8 or so rows (It should look like a big square). Then starting at the bottom of the cookie cake, place the sliced strawberries in a row. Leave a little white space above the strawberries and make another row. Keep doing that until you get 5 rows of strawberries and 4 rows of white frosting. It's okay that you don't have 13 stripes! Put in the refrigerator until you're ready to serve. Cut into slices.