Friday, May 27, 2011

Fresh Strawberry Ice Cream

I am LOVING strawberry season. Strawberries just scream summer. And summer screams ice cream. I got an ice cream maker from my parents for my birthday awhile back and had a few attempts at making ice cream. For whatever reason they didn't come out right so I was hesitant to try making another recipe. But, when I saw all of these strawberry ice cream recipes on blogs I knew I had to give it another go. And let me tell you, this ice cream was soo ridiculously good. It really took almost no effort. It takes quite awhile because of freezing time but it's so worth the wait. I caution you NOT to lose the lid of your ice cream maker that holds the paddle in place BECAUSE you will have to sit there for 30 minutes holding the paddle with your left hand while you type on Facebook with your right hand (multitasking to the max). But if that happens, you will still have really good ice cream, your arm will be a lot stronger, and you will have fulfilled your Facebook creeping quota for the week. So what better way to celebrate Memorial Day weekend than with Fresh Strawberry Ice Cream! Eat up!

Oh hello piggy spatula. Cutest thing ever!

3 cups sliced strawberries
4 tbsp lemon juice
1 1/2 cup sugar
1 1/2 cup whole milk
2 3/4 cup heavy cream
2 tbsp vanilla extract

Put the strawberries in a medium-sized bowl. Add 1/2 cup of sugar and the lemon juice to the strawberries and give them a good mix. Then, let the strawberries sit out at room temperature for 2 hours. The juices from the strawberries will release during this time. With a food processor, puree the strawberries or just give a few pulses if you like a chunkier strawberry ice cream. I pureed most of mine and then left a few chunks in there. Put the strawberries back in the bowl, then add the remaining sugar. Add the milk, heavy cream, and vanilla. Stir until the mixture is combined. Chill in the refrigerator for 2 hours or overnight. Freeze according to your ice cream machines directions (mine took about 30 minutes). Then store in an air tight container for 2 hours or until firm. Makes about 2 quarts of ice cream.

Source: Recipe from the amazing Baked Bree


  1. OMG! YUM! This sounds and looks amazing!

    New to your blog; happy I found you!

    Mary xo
    Delightful Bitefuls

  2. Your ice cream looks so light and fluffy. Perfect for the summer. Happy cooking and baking:)

  3. strawberry with gummy bears has been my fav for years- thanks for sharing!

  4. @claire

    ever since i was little i always get an ice cream with gummy bears and candy nerds in it from an ice cream shop near my cabin. everyone thinks im nuts but its soooo good. im glad you at least like ice cream with gummy bears in it!

  5. Wow this looks amazing! Thanks for your comment on my blog. I'm so glad I found yours. This post especially is resonating with me because I am in love with strawberries...and ice cream is basically my fave food of all time, haha! Nice to meet you!

  6. This looks and sounds delicious. We don't yet have local berries but hopefully the weather will settle down and they will soon be available. This is my first visit to your blog so I've taken some time to poke about and read your earlier entries. I'm so glad I did that. I really like the food and recipes you share with your readers and I'll definitely be back. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary
