Friday, June 3, 2011

Easy Guacamole

Can you believe I used to not like guacamole? What was I thinking? Maybe it was the green color. Or that I hated tomatoes and onions. Man I was a weird child. It's okay though, because now I looovvveee guacamole. And avocados. I could probably just eat an avocado as a snack, all by itself. Over Memorial Day weekend, my sisters, cousins and I made some guacamole. It was gone so fast I had to make more when I got back to Madison. This recipe is so easy and so good I have a feeling I will be making it many many more times this summer.

If you have a few bruises on your avocado like I do you can easily cut those out. The avocado is still good as long as it's not really brown and mushy or smell funny.

3 ripe avocados
2 Roma tomatoes, diced
1/2 cup diced onion
1 lime
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
1/4 tsp salt

Peel and pit the avocados. With a fork or potato masher, mash the avocados until there are a minimal amount of clumps. Dice the tomato and medium onion. When dicing the tomato, make sure you take the seeds out otherwise it makes the guacamole a little watery. Add the tomato and onion to the mashed avocados. Add the juice of 1 lime, cayenne pepper, and salt. Stir until guacamole is thoroughly mixed and you have a desire consistency. Add more cayenne pepper or salt to taste. Serve immediately or refrigerate.

To keep the guacamole from browning, add the avocado pits in the guacamole which makes it brown slower. You can also try covering the bowl with plastic wrap and then press the plastic wrap down all the way to where the guacamole is so that there is no air in there. If the guacamole browns, just give it a stir to make it green again.

Source: my cousin Sarah


  1. you can do a low fat version of this and use frozen peas in place of 2 of the avocados :)

  2. Mmm that looks so amazing. Over memorial weekend, my brother and I went to a Mexican restaurant that does a tableside guacamole. We got to watch them make it in front of us. They added citrus to it, which really made it burst with flavor. I've always been a guac fan, but now that I've had homemade...I'm a guac enthusiast!

  3. @eeagle

    Elyse that sounds so good! I'm going to try that next time. Or you can come to the lake and try it and I'll eat it.

  4. I didn't use to like avocados either. What were we thinking! I wish I had some chips.
