Monday, June 6, 2011

Bridal Shower Cookies

This past weekend I made cookies for a bridal shower. I stuck with an all white cookie because I really wanted the designs to shine through rather than vibrant colors. In the future I will be playing around with colors on these. The white turned out great-- they ended up putting a cookie at each person's seat on a black napkin so the contrast was really nice. I wish I had gotten a picture of them on the tables but oh well. I had a lot of fun making these. I baked and did majority of the flooding in Wisconsin at my apartment and then finished the detailing in Illinois at my parents house, so my mom was able to watch me and help bag the cookies. I told her that I was designing my future wedding dresses and wedding cakes and she just rolled her eyes at me. I felt like a fashion designer and cake designer all at the same time!

Heart Shaped "Bodice" Cookies

Wedding Cake Cookies (Future wedding cake is the mosaic one with the flowers!)

All packaged up! (FYI: this is my future wedding dress)
Thanks Mom and Mrs. Tunney for helping in a time crunch! :)

New sticker! Thanks for an awesome design Dena!

To make these cookies check out my recipe for sugar cookies and royal icing


  1. Wow!!! What beautiful cookies!!! You did an awesome job at decorating, and I'm sure they tasted just as good as they look! Are you doing this professionally? If not, maybe you should think about it. :)

  2. Megan!!!! These are amazing. Are you doing this as a job now? How wonderful!

  3. @sheila @ Elements

    thanks Sheila! it means so much to hear you say that! i'm actually studying accounting but am enjoying making cookies as a job right now!

  4. @Allison

    thanks Allison! I'm doing this as a job until I graduate and start my job as an accountant. Then later on in life, who knows? By the way, did the yoga fitness fusion video the other day.. oh my goodness. my body hurt so bad the next day but it was amazing! haha

  5. @Megan

    me too!!!! i was sooo sore when i woke up the next day (and the next few days.. lol) but it's worth it, right??

    that is so amazing that you are able to use your passion for cooking/baking as a job! i'm trying to come up with some ways i can earn extra cash this summer that may not be a traditional job. i'm thinking of opening up an etsy shop!

    when do you graduate?

  6. @Allison

    I just graduated with my bachelors degree and now I have a year of grad school. Do an etsy account and then send me the link! I'm thinking of ding one for my cookies.

  7. ohh okay. i still have one more year of undergrad before i go on to grad school. omg you should definitely sell your cookies on etsy!!! what a great idea :)

  8. how cute are these! i LOVE them! you have quite the skill!

  9. I am so impressed! I had seen the heart ones before, but the dress shaped cookies are incredible looking! I love them! ..both the shape and your decorating! Almost too pretty to eat,,,almost

  10. These really are amazing, Meg. So professional looking. Just promise me I can work as a cashier in your bakery one day. =)

  11. As the taste tester, I can tell you they tasted as good as they looked. I'm not an icing person, but these were really good.

  12. So delicate and pretty, and tasty I bet!

  13. So sweet! I love the monochromatic design--so elegant.

  14. Sheesh. These are the most beautiful sugar cookies I've ever seen. I want to make them for my own bridal shower! :)

  15. hahah i know i've been kind of scared to do the "what i ate" posts because i eat way too much frozen yogurt ;)

    congratulations on foodgawker!!! OMG! can you send me the link to the page??

    ps i applied to work at panera! LOL i thought you might appreciate that

  16. These were from my shower! Everyone raved about how great they looked and tasted, thanks so much :) You do excellent work!

  17. @Renee

    Renee! I'm so glad you liked them! The room for your shower was absolutely beautiful! Thanks so much for letting me be a part of such a special day :)

  18. Megan, thanks for visiting my blog! These cookies are gorgeous!

  19. these are amazing! any tips on piping?

  20. thanks!! as for tips.. I used a #1 tip for the detailing and a #3 for the outlines. For the detailing, I would definitely practice on parchment paper before trying it on the cookie for the first time so you can get a hang of how hard to squeeze the pastry bag and figure out good places to stop and pick up before beginning to pipe again. For the detailing I made sure my icing was stiff enough so it wouldn't spread. The best thing about white is that if I messed up it was easy to wipe off with a towel and start again. With other colors that's not so easy but sometimes doable. If you have any other questions feel free to let me know here or email me at!
