Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Lemon Sorbet

My favorite flavor is lemon. Lemon bars, lemon pasta, lemon meringue pie, you name it. When it comes to skittles, only give me the lemon. Same with Mike and Ikes. Don't mess around and give me the purples and reds that everyone else likes so much. I only want lemon. I've always been like that. Lemon yellow is also my favorite color. Coincidence? Probably not. Yellow is just such a happy color. And lemony desserts are also just so happy. This lemon sorbet is no exception. It's a little sweet, a little tangy, and oh so perfect for hot summer days. I served the sorbet in cute lemon cups. All I did was cut the lemon in half and when I was done squeezing out the juice I cut out the insides so they were tiny bowls. I had two lemon cups ready to eat for my friends when they arrived at my apartment last night and they squealed when they saw them. We all agreed that there was a perfect amount of sugar in the sorbet so I recommend using the full amount rather than just a cup. Unless you feel like perfecting your pucker face. You know the one where your eyes are squinted shut, pursed lips, and a scrunchy nose?  If so, all the power to you, use one cup of sugar ;)

2 1/2 cups water
1 cup sugar (add 1/4 cup sugar if you like a sweet sorbet - this is what I did and I highly recommend you do the same)
zest of 2 lemons
1 cup lemon juice (about 6 lemons)

In a medium saucepan, combine 1/2 cup of water with the sugar. Add the zest of 2 lemons directly into the mixture. Heat, stirring frequently, until the sugar dissolves into the simple syrup. Remove from the heat and add the remaining 2 cups of water. Chill thoroughly in the refrigerator. Then, add in the lemon juice into the cold simple syrup. Freeze mixture in ice cream maker according to the machine's instructions (mine takes about 25-30 minutes). Transfer in an airtight container and freeze until ready to serve.

Source: Recipe from Tracey's Culinary Adventures, originally from The Perfect Scoop by David Lebovitz


  1. mmm lemon drops, lemon chills and lemon bars!

    these look perfect for summer- It is already over 100 in Dallas, so these would be a perfect poolside treat

  2. Is it possible to work some booze into these?

  3. @Anonymous

    Yes Dougie, I sometimes add 1 tbsp of vodka, but that is just to make sure that the sorbet doesn't become super icy.

  4. This sounds so healthy AND delicious. For some reason, this post didn't show up on my dashboard :( Glad I stopped by to check it out, though!

  5. You are in college and have an ice cream maker? I was lucky to have a frypan! Actually I was lucky to know how to use it. I didn't start to really cook until after I was married.

  6. @Apron Appeal

    hah yep! my parents got one for my for my 20th birthday a few years back. and i probably use it way more than i should! :)
